There is nothing quite like the Christmas season in Madrid. Lights and Christmas decorations illuminate the city from the end of November until the beginning of January. On December 22nd, there is the Spanish Christmas Lottery, and on January 5th, there is the Three Kings Parade. These are part of Christmas traditions in the city. Christmas trees and multicolored light bulbs cover the streets and squares of Madrid. The city is known for its grand dinner parties and “cañas de Navidad,” where friends gather for a beverage before the traditional family feast, and for festive sweets like turrón, which the locals love.
Christmas Traditions in Madrid
Madrid has its own special Christmas customs that have been around for a long time. By highlighting the city’s festivals and cultural legacy, these customs provide a window into the holiday spirit of Madrid.
Día de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Day)
The Spanish commemorate Día de los Reyes Magos, also known as Three Kings Day, on January 6th. This is the day when the legend goes that the three wise men delivered gifts to the newborn Jesus. The majority of Madrilenians unwrap their Christmas gifts on this day. This day also marks the end of the winter holiday.
Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos (Three Kings Parade)
On January 5, Madrid hosts the Three Kings Parade, a grand celebration where the biblical Three Wise Men are honored.
Roscón de Reyes
The Roscón de Reyes, a cake in the form of a crown, is a staple of the Madrid Christmas period. This delicious ring-shaped bread is served on January 6th and is packed with almonds, fruits, and candied peel. It is typical of Spanish cuisine.
Christmas Lights
The streets of Madrid are illuminated with lights from the months of November through January, setting the mood for Christmas. Countless neighborhoods in Madrid take part in this festivity, and the streets are illuminated with decorations.
Holiday Markets

Plaza Mayor is one of several Madrid Christmas markets where you can get seasonal foods, beverages, and merchandise. The largest Christmas market in this square is called El Mercado de Navidad. Constructed between 1580 and 1619, Plaza Mayor is located in the center of Madrid, in the Sol district. The whole plaza is around 400 feet long by 305 feet wide.
Fish and Seafood
During the holidays, many Madrilenians choose to eat fish and shellfish. A full-baked fish is a typical sight at Christmas Eve supper, and many residents enjoy a tapa of fried salt cod while they’re out holiday shopping.
Christmas Desserts
Marzipan, Spanish candies, shortbread, turrón (a nougat and almond candy), and Epiphany cake are among the beloved desserts in Madrid at Christmastime.
El Gordo Christmas Lottery
One of the most interesting Christmas traditions in Spain is playing the El Gordo (“the fat one”) Christmas Lottery. Year after year, visitors in Madrid must make a pilgrimage to the renowned Doña Manolita store on Calle del Carmen to get their tickets, and the lines of those waiting to do so stretch for miles. The tickets go on sale on December 22 and the prizes in this state-run lottery reach millions of euros, making it the biggest of its kind in the world.
Christmas Church Services
Spanish Christmases revolve around attending church services since the country’s Catholic population accounts for more than half of the population. La Misa Del Gallo, or the Midnight Mass of the Rooster, is celebrated on Christmas Eve and is attended by a large number of people.
Nochebuena (Christmas Eve)
Nochebuena, or Christmas Eve, is the most magical night of the year in Madrid, and hotels and restaurants prepare special meals to mark the occasion. Soups, roasts, fish, or stuffed turkey are the main courses after the appetizers, including Ibérico ham, shellfish, and tasty cheeses.