There are more than 600 muscles in the human body that we cannot see directly. They make up more than half of the entire body weight of an adult. Our ability to move is thanks to the contractile cells in the connective tissues of our body. They also keep the heart working.
However, not all muscles are created equal; in fact, there are different types of muscles, each with their own characteristics. So which is the strongest muscle in the human body? The correct answer is not the tongue. Although it looks like a single muscle, the tongue is actually made up of 17 different muscles and is therefore classified as an organ.
The Strongest Muscle in the Human Body

Some people think of muscles in the arms, such as biceps or triceps. However, the most powerful muscle is buried not in the upper body but deep in our buttocks. Specifically, we are talking about the largest muscle in the buttocks, also known as the gluteus maximus.
The pelvic girdle, the group of bones that runs from the buttocks to the bottom of the spine, is where this muscle is located. It is found in the dorsal and lateral muscles of the leg and helps move the knee and ankle. It is the largest muscle in the body and is rectangular in shape. The rounded, protruding shape of the buttocks is largely due to this muscle.
The Function of the Gluteus Maximus
The gluteus maximus is a strong muscle for a reason; it serves an important function. As such, it helps to keep the posture upright by stabilizing the thigh and keeping the trunk in extension. More importantly, it plays a role in gait and athletic performance by facilitating thigh movement during walking and running.
The gluteus maximus muscle is also necessary for bending the knees and standing up. In fact, this muscle is used in a wide variety of sports and activities, such as running, cycling, skiing, and basketball. So it makes sense that it’s the strongest muscle.
Bonus: Strongest Muscle Based on Its Weight

The masseter is the most powerful muscle in the body based on its weight. When the muscles of the jaw are fully engaged, the force of closure on the front teeth (the incisors) may reach up to 55 pounds (25 kilograms), while the force on the back teeth (the molars) can reach up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms).
Strengthening the Gluteus Maximus Muscle
There is no room for sloth to strengthen this part of the body. Some kind of vigorous physical activity is necessary. Lunges are a great example of good exercise. Get into a position where your legs are slightly apart. Put one knee forward while leaning forward until the other knee almost touches the floor. Your knee should also have a 90-degree angle.
Once you’ve done this, you can straighten up by putting weight on your front leg. It’s very important to keep your toes completely straight during the exercise to avoid hurting your spine.