Vikas Uppal (1986–2007) was an extraordinarily tall individual who left a mark in history by being one of the 29 people who were over 8 feet in height. Vikas Kumar “Vicky” Uppal was one of the tallest people ever recorded. While some unverified accounts suggest that he may have reached an astounding height of 8 feet 9 inches (267 cm), more reliable sources tend to estimate Uppal’s height at around 7 ft 10 in and 7 ft 11 in (239–242 cm). Vikas held the distinction of being India’s tallest citizen during his lifetime, a title that still resonates to this day.
Vikas Uppal’s Growth
There are surprisingly few reports regarding Vikas Uppal’s height. However, on January 12, 2004, Uppal reportedly stood at a height of 8 feet 3 inches (251 cm), as reported by the local newspaper, The Tribune of India. At this point, he was only 18 years old.

According to his close relatives, Uppal continued to grow even as he reached adulthood. Once again, by June 10, 2005, the Indian website Rediff stated that Uppal had reached a height of 8 feet 9 inches (266 cm). This is 6 inches (15 cm) of growth in a year and a half. He also reportedly weighed between 430 and 463 pounds (195–210 kg).
Vikas Uppal is the 13th tallest person in recorded history.
Around this time, Vikas paid a visit to the chief minister of the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh. Hailing from Rohtak in Haryana, he arrived in the city for the inauguration of a travel agency. His arrival at the secretariat turned heads as everyone marveled at his height. He had to bend to fit into the elevator, and even the door to the CM’s chambers proved too short for his stature.

Vicky’s family faced financial difficulties as they relied on three buffaloes for their entire livelihood. He was also responsible for looking after his two younger siblings, a 10-year-old sister and a 3-year-old brother. During his meeting with the chief minister, he expressed his hope for financial assistance or the possibility of securing a job to support his family.
Vikas Uppal’s Death
Only a year before his death, Vikas Uppal garnered great attention during a political rally—probably more than the rally itself—held by the Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) to honor the 93rd birth anniversary of the former Indian Deputy Prime Minister, Devi Lal, on September 25, 2006. This rally provided one of the few photos of the 13th tallest person in documented history.

Tragically, his journey was cut short by an ill-fated brain tumor operation, which he underwent to probably improve his gigantism condition. Since the 1950s, people with gigantism have often undergone a brain operation to remove the pituitary gland. This gland secretes growth hormone, which results in gigantism and acromegaly.
The Tallest Living Man
During his life, Vikas Uppal was probably the tallest living man. Even if his alleged 8 feet 9 inches of height were to be believed, Robert Wadlow would remain the tallest person ever recorded. Nonetheless, Vikas Uppal’s extraordinary height never made it into the Guinness Book of Records since their verification standards are demanding.

Despite this, Uppal’s alleged measurements were remarkable; with hands measuring 13 inches in length and feet stretching to 19 inches, he displayed surprising proportionality in photographs. Unlike some individuals with acromegaly, a condition characterized by abnormal growth of bones and tissues, Uppal’s appearance didn’t exhibit noticeable signs of this anomaly.
What is acromegaly?
—Excessive growth hormone production leads to acromegaly, a disorder characterized by abnormally enlarged hands and feet and other symptoms.
A Divine Gift
On top of everything, Uppal ventured into the world of Bollywood, making an appearance in Aamir Khan’s musical/drama film “Rang De Basanti” (2006). Other extremely tall people who were also featured in a movie include Suleiman Ali Nashnush, the tallest basketball player, and Sandy Allen, the tallest actress on record.
While traveling around the country, Uppal found his extreme height a bit inconvenient, but he also took great pride in it. The Indian firmly believed that his exceptional stature was a divine gift, and he had no reason to feel any remorse about it.