The Electrosmog and Magnetic Effects of Innerspring Mattresses

The present level of scientific knowledge suggests that weak magnetic fields pose no threat to your health or quality of sleep.

By Bertie Atkinson
Innerspring mattresses and their electrosmog and magnetic effects

The inability to sleep leaves you feeling drained the next day. If there weren’t any particularly stressful events the day before, it might just be the mattress giving you trouble sleeping. This is the case even if it retains the ideal combination of hardness and flexibility. Because the metallic components of mattresses, particularly innerspring mattresses, are thought to have a detrimental effect on people. A magnetization of the mattresses or an amplification of electrosmog by the utilized metal could be to blame for this. But, is this just a superstition? Do innerspring beds and their “high” EMFs (electric and magnetic fields) have a negative health impact on people?

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Metal components are subject to electromagnetic field changes in their surrounding environment, including both increased and reduced field strengths. Coil springs, however, do not have much of an impact on the levels of electromagnetic fields in the bed. As soon as you are lying down in bed, the innerspring metal’s relatively weaker electromagnetic effects are immediately overridden by the much bigger human body.

Mattresses’ potential to boost the strength of electrical radiation is minimal at best.

The Earth’s magnetic field is altered by innerspring mattresses

Then, might it be that the metal in innerspring mattresses interferes with Earth’s magnetic field? The innerspring of a bed and any nearby sheet steel or screws distort the magnetic field around the bed. It’s easy to demonstrate this effect by using a compass. Cardinal directions are elusive in many structures due to the presence of steel parts. The innerspring mattress contributes negligibly to these shifts in this setting.

But do innerspring mattresses pose any health risks or interrupt sleep quality? The present level of scientific knowledge suggests that weak magnetic fields pose no threat to our health or the quality of our sleep. This is equally true with respect to electrical radiation.

The sleep laboratory studies on people exposed to radiation find either no alterations or, in fact, a really good influence on sleep. Both middle-aged men and younger men, as well as middle-aged women, experienced this effect. Electrosensitivity as a concept also lacks demonstrable evidence.

Optimal sleep quality is determined by your physical environment

People consequently give far greater weight to a different factor when it comes to sleep quality: the wide variation in the mechanicalthermal, and diffusion qualities of mattresses. These physical factors are crucial for a peaceful and rejuvenating night’s sleep. The ideal mattress combination is based on personal circumstances and preferences. And this is all the same whether with or without an innerspring core.

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From a sleep medicine perspective, an adjustable mattress—the one that adapts to your lying position—is more significant for health than the little risk of electrosmog possessed by innerspring mattresses. One piece of advice the researchers have is to make sure the bedroom is never too hot or too humid for the person sleeping there.